The Ladybug is singing some song off of one of the Queen B’s forty-seven Glee soundtracks…
Ladybug: Puh-puh-pokah face, puh-puh-pokah faaaace… Puh-puh-pokah face, puh-puh-pokah faaaace… Puh-puh-pokah face, puh-puh-pokah faaaace…
Me: You want to poke her face?
LB: What?
Me: You keep saying “Poke her face.” Whose face are you going to poke?
LB: No, not poke her face. Pol-kuh face. Like polka dots.
Me: Her face is covered in polka dots?
LB: Yes.
Me: That makes no sense.
LB: But that’s what they say. Polka face.
Me: Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s “Poker face.” Poker is a card game.
LB: Her face looks like a card game? That makes no sense.
Me: And it makes more sense that her face looks like polka dots?
LB: Uh, hello? Make up!
Update. Given that I’ve just discovered it’s a song by Lady Gaga we’re talking about, perhaps the Ladybug is right after all.