There’s a lot of cool and weird stuff out there on the “interwebosphere” that back up my bookmarks tab, so from time to time I plan on emptying my bookmarks, and this seems like as good a place to do that. Let’s kick off the “Komplexify Links o’the week.”
Cinemathematcs: Views on film and other such topics from the mind of a mathematics student.
The Comics Curmudgeon: Blasitng the daily funnies.
Confessions of a mathematician: A blog by Courtney Gibbons.
Davezilla: Clean humor, filthy comments.
Defective yeti: The musings of Matthew Baldwin, Pretty Okay Guy.
Dooce: Heather Armstrong, professional blobber.
Earth science picture of the day: Each day a different image.
Easternblot: It’s (not) all about science.
Editing room: Abridged scripts.
Evil mad scientist laboratories: Making the world a better place, one mad scientist at a time.
FAIL blog: Fail, Pwn and Owned pics.
Geese aplenty: Improve your text life.
Good math, bad math: Finding fun in good math; squashing bad math and the fools who promote it.
I can has cheezburger: LOLcats tagged for your convenience. And LOLs.
Interesting thing of the day: A virtual museum of interesting things.
Izzle pfaff!: Words by Skot.
Joey interactive: Celebrating effective uses of the web.
LOL BOTS: Robots are the new kittens.
Lotte Klaver: Pen and ink sketches by Lotte.
Mathematics weblog: Math problems and links.
MathPuzzle: The puzzling weblog of recreational mathematics
Mathsex community: It’s not about the sex, it’s about the math!
Mimi Smartypants: Read the latest waddle.
My life as an American Gladiator: Formerly Kafkaesque.
Patently silly: Necessity is the mother of invetion. The father is unknown.
Robot Johnny: Greetings puny humans!
Scrappleface: News fairly unbalanced.
Think again!: Seductive math problems for the modern mind.
Wonkette: D.C. Gossip.
Brown sharpie: By Courtney Gibbons.
Calvin and Hobbes: By Bill Watterson.
Crtl+Alt+Del: By Tim Buckley.
Garfield minus Garfield: by G-G.
PVP online: By Scott Kurtz.
Toothpaste for dinner: By Drew.
xkcd: By Randall Munroe.
Battle Beast catalog: Collect every one of these incredible creatures who battle for fun!
Bender Bending Rodriguez: Futurama fansite with a math bent.
Calvin & Hobbes compete searchable online collection: The best argument in favor of the internet.
Chuck Norris fact generator: Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.
Church sign generator: Cusomize a personalized church sign photo.
Cool flash clocks: Pretty cool.
Concert ticket generator: Make your own virtual concert ticket.
Download Transformers episodes: They’re more than meets the eye!
Emo Phillips: Official website. “I ran three miles today. Finally, I said, ‘Lady, keep your purse.'”
English-to-12-Year-Old-Texter translator: LEARN 2 TYPA LIEK A RETARDED MONKEY!1!!!!1 WTF
Evolution – what next?: Use the time-slider to cruise through history.
Gizoogle: Translate your webpage into jive, beyotch.
Historical soundbites in MP3 format: From the Free Information Society.
How it should have ended: Sometimes movies don;t end the way we’d like, so this site ends them better.
iDea: A damn fine paradoy of Apple’s iProducts.
I heart guts!: Some of your organs even have MySpace accounts. Neat!
LASIK@home: An affordable in-home LASIK Surgery you can do yourself. I shit you not.
LOLCODE: I has a 1337 code. LOL!!!1!.
Magic realism of Rob Gonsalves: Escheresque painter.
Make your own speech bubbles: by wigflip.
Maya’s Micronomicon: Brilliant or OCD? You decide.
Mouse party: Watch animated mice get high taking various drugs. Brought to you by the Univerity of Utah. Really!
Museum of hoaxes: Examining dubious-sounding claims and mischief of all kinds.
More new math: Equations for living.
The Onion: America’s finest news source.
Online stopwatches: I like the exploding one best.
Optical illusions and visual phenomena: by Michael Bach.
The Nietzche Family Circus: Pairs a randomized Family Circus cartoon with a randomized Friedrich Nietzsche quote. Hilarity ensues!
Rubikubism: Rubik’s cube artwork by Invader.
Some e-cards: When you care enough to click “send.”
Star Wars ASCIImation: “Star Wars” animated in ASCII. Awesome.
Stephen Colbert “On Notice” Board generator: You’re on notice!
Superdickery: Witness an ever growing selection of examples of Superman acting like… well, a dick.
Tarzan’s Tripes Forever: Shaggy dog story and feghoot archive.
Vox Machina: Convert text into a spoken word MP3 file.
Warning label generator: Create downloadabl jpeg warning labels.
WEB2DNA: Convert your website into DNA art.
Websites as graphs: Convert your website into an animated graph.
Wordle: Beautiful word clouds.
Babarageo: 8-bit-looking FLASH games.
Chronotron: Time-travel puzzle game.
Drunk men work here: Zero content for compulsive clickers.
Every video game: Play all the old video games you grew up with, online and free. Sweet.
Falling sand game: Not really a game, but a great way to waste time.
flOw: A beautiful game by Jenova Chen.
Ginormo sword: Silly FLASH adventure game.
Hacker puzzle: Nifty viral puzzle site.
Kongregate: Online games.
Line rider: Join the craze.
Mousebreaker: Free online games. I like Funky Truck 4WD.
Orisinal games: Fun and lavish web-based games.