1 picture = 1 kiloword: Pre-hurricane edition

Could-be Hurricane Fay is coming up from the south, and it’s expected to make landfall sometime in the wee hours tonight near Fort Meyers and hence, by the properties of a metric space, by us as well.   Hence, tonight the Nana B has announced that we will be dropping the storm shutters and riding the storm out, which means we’re making a quick stop to the store to get some last-minute supplies.   Here are some sights I saw along the way.


Safety is our number one concern!   Just not your kid’s safety.

Truth in advertising. I’m not sure what this is, but I can’t argue with the packaging:

Speaking of “crap”… In the kid’s corner, I spied this Crayola Foamer

which in an of itself is not too interesting.   What I did find funny, however, was the small picture on the right side indicating what “cool foam structures” kids could make:

Dog turds.   Nice.

Bill O’Reilly’s greatest fear: Barrack is not just a secret Muslim elitist… he’s also a cyborg sent from the future to kill him:

Money, money, money. Outside the store was one of those mechanical kid’s horses, with the following money slot:

What a rip off.   I tore my dollar into four pieces, but I couldn’t get it to accept any one of ’em.

Ass-hole. Noun, usually vulgar. A stupid, incompetent, or detestable person, such as someone who parks their car across three parking stalls:

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