Hello, Dr. Komplexify? I’m from UC San Diego, and I see your one of our distinguished alumni who have contributed financially to UCSD, and I just want to say thank you for what you’ve done in the past and did you know that only 12% of UCSD almuni give back money and that’s a shame, because corporations like Coca Cola, who give money to UCSD, base their contributions on the percentage of alumni who contribute, but not actually the amount they contribute.
(Gasping inhale.)
So that means that if everyone of our alums were to chip in, say, just twenty dollars, then Coca Cola itself would increase its donations a few hundred thousand dollars. And if twenty bucks is too much, how about ten or five or whatever? Whatever you can spare in this economy means a lot of money from our corporate sponsors and wouldn’t that be wonderful for the school and the students and the… er… Mathematics Program that I see you got your degree in? Just a tiny contribution helps push that total contributing percentage up, and helps generate lots of money and imagine all the things we could do with hundreds of thousands of dollars in this economy.
So can we count on you to help push those numbers up and pledge a teeny tiny donation of, say, five hundred dollars?