Tut, tut, tut

According to The Associated Press, the golden face mask of King Tutankhamun has been irrevocably damaged when curators of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo managed to knock off the mask’s beard.

Even worse, rather than take it back to a conservation lab for repairs, they decided to glue it back themselves on with a quick-drying epoxy. Unfortunately, they failed to set the beard back into its original place before it dried, so according to one of the museum’s conservator, “Now you can see a layer of transparent yellow” between the beard and the chin.

Even more worse, they applied the epoxy so hastily they got it all over Tut’s face too, spattering the golden mask with more transparent yellow goop.  Again, rather than take it back to a conservation lab for repairs, they decided to remove the extra epoxy… with a spatula, effectively scratching up the golden face.

So what did we learn from this?  Well, I guess we know where Chunk got a job after he left the Goon Docks.

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