Pamela Turner

Pamela Turner liked to help out. The 44-year-old Baytown, Texas, resident was the mother of two children, and a brand-new grandmother. She was a sweet and caring, the kind of person who made friends quickly. (She was also loved to cook for folks, which also probably helped with making friends!) She had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2005, and several episodes over the years with ended in police custody, but Pamela was never violent. Instead, liked to help beautify her community by picking up trash around the neighborhood, or taking her dog Chi-chi out for walks.

Pamela Turner was murdered by police on May 13, 2019, while picking up trash. A cop who lived in the same apartment complex approached her over outstanding warrants for “criminal mischief.” Pamela, who had been hassled more than 10 times by this same cop over the previous 4 months after a bad encounter with the apartment manager, moved away from the cop, shouting “I walking to my house!” The cop shot her with an X26P Taser, sending her to the curb. The cop attempted to handcuff Pamela, but she struggled to get free, crying “I’m pregnant!” She grabbed the X26P, a Taser that required manually loading each round and was, therefore, incapable of firing. The cop fired 5 shots at point blank range, including one shot to her face. The cop still has not been charged with any crime, nor has his bodycam footage been released.

Black lives matter.

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